Timio Audio-en Muziekspeler | Woordjes, Talen, Getallen +2 jaar

Brand: Timio

Timio audio and music player with 5 discs for learning words, numbers, songs and fairy tales in 8 languages ​​from 2 years

It is compatible with the expansion sets (there are 4 different sets to expand your Timio).

Timio audio and music player with 5 discs for learning words, numbers, songs and fairy tales in 8 languages ​​from 2 years

Timio is an interactive and educational audio and music player without display that stimulates the fantasy and increases the vocabulary. He is suitable for children from 2 to 6 years.

Enlarge the vocabulary

Timio comes with 5 colorful, magnetic discs that are easily changed by children's hands. He is a play friend for your child to learn and listen to music or stories. There are all kinds of themes to learn your child new words. For example animals, vegetables, fruit and vehicles. Or to learn the alphabet and to see clock or to discover the figures and distinguish colors.

stimulates multiple senses

The interactive and educational audio and music player lets your child learn to listen better. That's because there is no moving picture, so that the voice gets all the attention. The LED lights and illustrations promote the visual experience. In addition, changing the discs stimulates motor skills.

Learn in six languages ​​

Your child does not get bored quickly to Timio. Do you know how that comes? All learning elements are available in no fewer than six languages. For example, your child starts with distinguishing animals in Dutch. The animals make sound and your child presses the corresponding picture. For example, your child also has the option to teach the animal species in five other languages. For example in Mandarin Chinese, German, French, Spanish and English. Children in the primary school age also easily learn the alphabet or clock.

Easy to use

Timio is easy to use for all children and has no screen. No specific installation or internet connection is required. Your child can simply get to work without you. After placing one of the magnetic discs, it is a matter of printing on a picture and listening to the audio. The design of Timio is tuned to use by children. It is sturdy toy that is portable by the practical handle.

  • Suitable for children from 2 to 6 years
  • 5 educational and interactive (scratch-resistant) discs n)
  • without display
  • stimulates senses and cognitive development
  • multilingual education (Dutch, Mandarin Chinese, German, French, Spanish and English)
  • User-friendly
  • Connection for headphones
  • 3 volume levels
  • round design
  • Portable
  • excluding 3 aa batteries
  • switches off automatically after five minutes

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Simona Bobeica
J’adore tout simplement

Grâce à son caractère interactif, l’enfant peut appuyer sur les différents éléments des disques et développer son vocabulaire, ses connaissances sur le monde qui l’entoure. Les disques inclus sont magnétiques. Après les avoir placés sur le lecteur Timio, l’enfant choisira une image qui jouera une comptine, une berceuse ou racontera une histoire.
6 langues sont disponibles sur ce lecteur ce qui est vraiment énorme. On trouve l’anglais, l’espagnol, le français, l’allemand, le néerlandais, le chinois, l’italien et le portugais.
On trouve deux disques de comptines, un disque de berceuses, un de chants de Noël, un de petites histoires, un de contes de fées, deux disques sur l’alphabet. Les disques suivants sont sur les animaux marins, les véhicules, les instruments de musique, animaux de la ferme, animaux sauvages, parties du corps, légumes, fruits, couleurs, nombres, formes et heure. Bref ce lecteur audio contient de nombreuses choses capables d’occuper un enfant pendant de nombreuses heures et tout ça sans écran. Tout est auditif. Cela permet aussi à l’enfant de se familiariser avec les autres langues.
Ce lecteur est donc un petit bijou qui a tout de même un coût. Il n’est pas donné, mais il a une fonction éducative que je trouve géniale, car il permet à l’enfant d’appréhender de nombreuses notions importantes tout en s’amusant et en écoutant des histoires. Il peut également être utilisé pour un bébé avec son disque de berceuses.
Je recommande ce lecteur audio interactif qui est bien plus qu’un simple jouet.
Je l’utilise avec ma fille de 17mois ..

Philip Sterck

Top product, the granddaughter (20 months) after experimenting and some rapid disappearances from the disc. Afterwards she had preferences for certain disks and they could make her choices. Very user-friendly device. Still add it to that the service was also very good.

Aukje De Belder

Fun toys for the car. Even my daughter (1.5 years) can already play and listen to the songs.
We find the stories a little less. They should have been recorded with more intonation and nicer voices. Also very Dutch .. We are sorry that Flemish they are not in between. Very handy for children to use yourself.


Nice, also for toddler younger than two years. The cost is high for what actually does.

Pauline Miedema
Super luck for hours play and listening pleasure

Nice, decent and very easy to use. They can play independently, learn words and listen to songs. much variation

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Timio Audio-en Muziekspeler | Woordjes, Talen, Getallen +2 jaar


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