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This fun brand came from Oxo Good Grips. During their pregnancy, many colleagues noticed that there are not really ' handy ' products excisting for babies and kids. From there this super fun brand flowed and we are also a super fan!
Oxo tot was founded in New York by two young parents. Their child was born in New York and so she saw more and more oxo premature. It didn't last long for them or they were immediately in love with the Oxo tot brand!
The first time independently learn to drink, pee, ... is often accompanied by a lot of mess! Recognizable? With the oxo tot signs , training cups , Potties this goes so much better! From now on, this learning process of your child is a real party!
The oxo tot plates are super handy because they are divided into multiple boxes . So you don't have to provide all kinds of different jars to separate the food for your child. Afterwards you keep the surplus very easy in the same sign by using the accompanying lid. Handy, right?
Discover all items from Oxo tot that we selected in our assortment! [[COLLAPSIBLE]]
1-24 of 24 products
OXO to Self-Feeder | Set 2 silicone replacement set